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BeitragVerfasst: Fr 16.02.18 16:08 do fixed problem
Christian S.
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Beiträge: 20451
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Win 10
C# (VS 2019)
BeitragVerfasst: Fr 16.02.18 17:09 

please describe your problem within your post, so we don't need to rely on another website (pasteboard) to retain the information. Although it's best practice to include source code as text in your post, you can include attachments by using the feature in this forum.


Zwei Worte werden Dir im Leben viele Türen öffnen - "ziehen" und "drücken".
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Beiträge: 19283
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W11 x64 (Chrome, Edge)
Delphi 11 Pro, Oxygene, C# (VS 2022), JS/HTML, Java (NB), PHP, Lazarus
BeitragVerfasst: Fr 16.02.18 19:04 
You simply cannot do this with Indy. If the page requires JavaScript you need to use a real webbrowser or a webbrowser control in your application.

Perhaps the site has a kind of API, which can be used to speak with the server?

Otherwise you could only find out what calls go to the server and simulate them, but this is not easy, errorprone and may be forbidden.

Duplicate post here:

// EDIT:
I just came across a security warning when I checked the URL mentioned in the image:
Is this a try to get someone to visit the page without writing the link openly?!?